Taos EV Expo, September 28, 2024
The 2024 Taos EV Expo and Educational Seminar was held Sept. 28 beginning at noon at the Taos Public Library, 402 Camino de la Placita, Taos. Click the link above for the event web page.
Earth Day Taos 2024, April 20, 21 and 22
This event has concluded. Many thanks for your support to Renewable Taos’s three half-day activities for Earth Day 2024. Your efforts did not go unnoticed, and are much appreciated. Here is a short summary:
On Saturday, April 20, for trash pickup at the Taos Mesa Energy Facility (TMEF) , we had just 14 volunteers including support from Kit Carson Electric Co-op. Louis Reyes Jr., Kit Carson CEO was on-site with a few words about the operation of the TMEF and pitched-in with the trash pickup. Unfortunately, a low fence surrounds the Taos County Landfill, and the processing equipment and earth movers at the landfill cause countless plastics and other lightweight materials to go airborne and get deposited on the grounds of the solar array — acres and acres. For many of us, this was a real eye-opener. We collected about 20 large bags of plastics, and made a small dent in all the errant plastic waste at the solar array. Good News: We have word from Andrew Gonzales, the Town of Taos Manager, that the design and engineering for a 14-foot fence has been completed and there will be action to install this new fence in the coming months. That will make a huge difference and help contain the wind-blown debris from the landfill.
On Sunday, April 21, you and your colleagues from Taos Ski Valley and the Upper Las Colonias Neighborhood Association joined us for a clean-up along NM 150 between KTAOS and Arroyo Seco. We covered a lot of ground on this day with about 30 volunteers present. We don’t have a total count of the number of filled trash bags but it must have been over 30. The Taos County Solid Waste Department helped on this day as well, and collected the bags for weighing and disposal.
On Monday, April 22, UNM students (and their professor Karen Loveless) joined in for a three-in-one “tour” event at the Los Cordobas solid waste transfer station including the new Reuse Center recycling facility (under construction), the Town’s Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF), and the Town’s solar array. There were about 25 volunteers that day. It was good to hear Todd Wynward talk about the recycled-plastic construction techniques used at the new recycling shed being constructed. The tour of the WWTF was also quite enlightening as we learned how our wastewater is processed and how it is reused. We also picked up another 8 bags of trash along a short stretch of roadway.
Thanks to all for your participation!
This Earth Day weekend, join fellow Taoseños for a few hours and engage in some worthwhile Earth Day events. Help out with litter pickup around the community at select locations (or your choice!). Visit the big solar arrays that Kit Carson Electric Co-op uses to provide us electric power. See where our wastewater is processed and how it is recycled by the Town of Taos.
Also learn about recycling in Taos by seeing the new Taos County Reuse Center recycling facility constructed from large blocks of compressed plastic from the Repurposing Plastics Project
This year, the Earth Day theme is “Our Planet vs. Plastics.” Learn more about how plastics have permeated our lives and what we should be aware of, and what we can do by listening to this podcast:
$250 Billion Yearly Economic Costs from PLASTICS at Living On Earth
It is very interesting and very scary, too. Here is a short, 3-page article from 2005 on plastics pollution. It is still relevant, and worse now, almost 20 years later.
Where do I go to help out?
We will meet at Filemon Sanchez Park, 939 Salazar Road, each day for these half-day events, or you can also meet at the facility. See the schedule below. Be sure to register at RenewableTaos.org!
Carpooling will be available if you let us know (by registering!)

Please note schedule is subject to change and weather!
What should I wear and bring?
Rugged shoes (no open toes!). Be prepared for the weather! Bring work gloves and/or waterproof gloves for picking up plastics and litter. Sun hat, sunscreen and a full water bottle, too. The dry tumbleweeds are bad – with thorns – so be prepared! You will receive a Safety Briefing on what to be aware of, what not to touch, and other important info.
Trash bags will be provided to all volunteers. Watch for ads in the Taos News from Kit Carson Electric Co-op and Taos County. We will have snacks, the County may have a few bright T-shirts, and we intend to have a fun, SAFE event cleaning a bit of Taos County and learning a few things, too!
Here is our Press Release about the Renewable Taos Earth Day Taos 2024 Events.
Look for and follow the signs each day! 

Watch this space for more upcoming events.
Recent Events
Taos EV Expo 2023
Was held Sept. 23, 2023 at the Taos Public Library
Open to the public from noon to 4pm.
Science on Screen at the Taos Community Auditorium
You will hear interesting talks prior to the screening of a interesting film. See tcataos.org for more information.
On June 8, 2023, RT board member presented “Look Up, Look All Around, Read & Listen Critically, & Act” prior to the screening of “Don’t Look Up,” a very popular film.
Held April 22, 2023 at 121 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos

- Energy efficiency for your home or business
- Residential audits for retrofits
- Renewable energy plans for Taos
- Electric transportation
- Energy efficiency assessments
- The many incentives from Federal and State sources to fund your zero-emission journey!
- Meet the people and organizations that are making a difference!
See dozens of exhibitors, electric cars and e-bikes up close, and free lunch, too! Tell us about your Earth Day volunteerism and listen to selected guest speakers on a variety of topics (short talks!).
8am Bataan Hall open for exhibitor setup
8am-9am Volunteer assignments for litter crews, and other community support activities
9am-3pm Exhibits and displays open to public
12n-1pm Lunch provided to volunteers and staff
1-2:30pm Exhibits open, guest speakers w/short stories
2:30-3:30 Networking, side discussions
3:30-4pm Clean up and close out
PowerUP Las Cruces Expo and Training, January 20-21, 2023
PowerUP Las Cruces Expo & Training is designed to generate excitement and “buzz” about the availability and affordability of new technologies surrounding electricity. The event will showcase the many ways electricity can have a positive charge on your life. Learn how to reduce your energy bills by going all-electric in your home and business. Meet developers and builders of all-electric homes, look over the best electric appliances, talk with energy saving retailers, and receive estimates for converting your living and working spaces to energy-reducing equipment. You will also gain all the information you need to take advantage of discounts, rebates, and incentives to go all-electric.
The Expo was open to the public on:
Friday, January 20th from 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm and
Saturday, January 21st from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.