National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Solar Energy Innovation Network (NREL SEIN)
Late 2017 through 2020. NREL has posted project details.
New Mexico Energy Roadmap Project (link)
August 2017 through December 2018.
USDOE-funded project under New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD).
Renewable Taos applied for formal participation in this project, and we will be a formal reviewer of project documents.
Economic Development: Rebuild NM economy using NM’s vast renewable energy resources and participating in regional markets for renewable energy.
Legislative Action for New Mexico Clean Energy
Initial focus is on August 2017 through early 2019 with materials and participation for 2018 and 2019 New Mexico Legislative Sessions.
Renewable Taos Guide for Legislative Action on Clean Energy to be posted in early 2018.
Project will be in collaboration with many political representatives and partner organizations statewide in New Mexico. Early work will be making contacts and confirming partnerships with those willing to work with RT on a new legislative agenda.
Renewable Taos, Inc. principals participated in the Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy (CCAE) event, September 19, Santa Fe, NM to join with CCAE organizations in planning for a 100% Renewable New Mexico. Concurrently, Renewable Taos, Inc. is applying for formal membership in CCAE.
Planning and Promoting an Electrified Vehicle Transportation System
Renewable Taos Legislative Action on Clean Energy items on adoption of electric vehicles.
Local/regional electric vehicles buyers’ club(s).
Electric vehicle charging station network expansion in collaboration with political representatives, businesses, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative (KCEC) and others.
Economic Development: Increasing the market for KCEC electricity from renewable sources to offset/replace reliance on gasoline and diesel fuels.
Planning and Promoting Large-Scale Renewable Energy Development
Renewable Taos Legislative Action on Clean Energy items on energy generation and Renewable Portfolio Standards.
Solar power primarily in southwestern Taos County.
Wind power primarily from facilities in northeastern New Mexico.
Renewable energy transmission, primarily Lucky Corridor and Verde Transmission Project alignments, upgrades, and new transmission requirements.
Economic Development: Rebuild NM economy and ensure long-term economic growth/stability using NM’s vast renewable energy resources and participating in regional markets for renewable energy.
Continuing Education and Outreach
New education and outreach practices using social media improvements and upgrades.
New partnerships with UNM-Taos, SMU-In-Taos, and Northern New Mexico College towards renewable energy courses, seminars, and certificate programs.
Periodic (annual or more frequent) programs/conferences for our citizens.
Educating legislators through arranged meetings, especially to promote our legislative action agenda.
Presentations to community groups as they invite us, or by offering to present at local/regional conferences or special events.
Upgrades/new series of Fact Sheets, Position Papers, White Papers, and related materials.